My Linux kernel is 4.1.5 , OS version is Linux Deepin . Below list is the step of install the wifi deriver: git clone cd rtl8821CU sudo apt-get inst...
Set primary key id auto increase in Oracle
// create sequence create sequence LOG_MAIN_SEG increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999999; // get autoincrease value select LOG_MAIN_SEG.Nextval ID from dual; Below is...
Install Oracle Instantclient On MacOS
install guid Download these files from instan...
SQL Base of Learning Oracle Database(1)
// system is username , oracle is the password of system sqlplus system/oracle // current db login user show user; // print the dba_users desc dba_users; // print the username of dba_users; sel...
Some useful information of learning the docker and oracle database
// login the docker sudo docker login // search the oracle-11g databaes docker search docker-oracle-xe-11g // download the oracle-xe-11g docker file sudo docker pull marcelmaatkamp/docker-oracle-x...
Some useful command about zero-tier
# 启动 zerotier-one -d # 获取地址和服务状态 zerotier-cli status # 加入、离开、列出网络 zerotier-cli join <Network ID> zerotier-cli leave <Network ID> zerotier-cli listnetworks
The last upgrade MacOS for my Lenovo G460
This Lenovo G460 is my first pc during my study. Since 2013,I install the MacOS for it every year. Fortunately, it has good compatibility. I successfully upgraded from 10.7.5 to 10.14. Until toda...
Make the latest MacOS usb boot installer on older mac hardware
First you should get the patcher software. 1. Insert your desired USB drive, open Disk Utility, and format it as OS X Extended (Journaled). 2. Open the ...
How to install Mysql-Python in Mac OS
brew install mysql-connector-c sed -i -e 's/libs="$libs -l "/libs="$libs -lmysqlclient -lssl -lcrypto"/g' /usr/local/bin/mysql_config pip install MySQL-python
Congratulations on my first skill in Baidu Audio Skills Platform
Today my first skill in Baidu Audio platform has been reviewed success. I remember it, time radio app is my first iOS app on AppStore. And Today I still full of interest in time radio. Before this...
Find your mac mini can install maximum ram
I bought a mac mini late 2009 and I want to make a private server in my home. Because it had been 10 years from it's release, so it need a hardware upgrade. Use this website you can find the maxim...
Some ideas about habit
A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. The ultimate purpose of habits is to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible. A...
Solve problems that curl can not be found when install php-yar
Today I found a problem that curl can not be found when I install the php-yar. I am using the ubuntu os, and the output is `Please reinstall the libcurl distribution - easy.h should be in /include...