Hackintosh:Step by step to driving your BCM94350ZAE(DW1820A) wireless network adapter
Insert below code to your colover config files: The Devices section:
<string>Airport Extreme</string>
<string>DW1820A (BCM4350) 802.11ac Wireless</string>
PciRoot address is the your wifi card address, you can find it by HackinTool. As this picture.
Step 2:
In The KernelAndKextPatches insert these codes:
<string>AirPortBrcm4360 - fcvo</string>
Step 3: Add Boot Argument
Add Boot arguments in your Boot Section
<string> brcmfx-driver=1 brcmfx-country=US</string>
Step 4: Change some arguments In ACPI and Devices Section
Step5: add kexts in your clover
Step 6: Clean The kernel cache and Restart your PC