
作者: shaneZhang 分类: 机器学习的实践 发布时间: 2018-12-24 13:53
# 预测酸奶日销量 y,x1 和 x2 是影响日销量的两个因素。
# 应提前采集的数据有:一段时间内,每日的 x1 因素、x2 因素和销量 y_。采集的数据尽量多。
# 在本例中用销量预测产量,最优的产量应该等于销量。由于目前没有数据集,所以拟造了一套数
# 据集。利用 Tensorflow 中函数随机生成 x1、 x2,制造标准答案 y_ = x1 + x2,为了更真实,求和后 还加了正负 0.05 的随机噪声。

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
SEED = 23455
rdm = np.random.RandomState(SEED)
X = rdm.rand(32,2)
Y_ = [[x1 + x2 + (rdm.rand()/10 - 0.05)] for  (x1,x2) in X]

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,2))
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=(None,1))
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2,1],stddev=1,seed=1))
y = tf.matmul(x,w1)

loss_mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_-y))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.001).minimize(loss_mse)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    STEPS = 20000
    for i in range(STEPS):
        start = (i * BATCH_SIZE) % 32
        end = (i * BATCH_SIZE) % 32 + BATCH_SIZE
        if i % 500 == 0:
            print "After %d training steps,w1 is: "%(i)
            print sess.run(w1)
    print "Final w1 is:\n",sess.run(w1)
After 0 training steps,w1 is: 
 [ 1.4852903 ]]
After 500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [ 1.641878  ]]
After 1000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [ 1.6984766 ]]
After 1500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [ 1.7003176 ]]
After 2000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.673328  ]]
After 2500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.6322677 ]]
After 3000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.5854434 ]]
After 3500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.5374472 ]]
After 4000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.4907393 ]]
After 4500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.4465574 ]]
After 5000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.4054536 ]]
After 5500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 6000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.3329403 ]]
After 6500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 7000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.272602 ]]
After 7500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.2465005 ]]
After 8000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 8500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 9000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.1818889 ]]
After 9500 training steps,w1 is: 
[[0.811267 ]
After 10000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 10500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.1338125 ]]
After 11000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 11500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.1088346 ]]
After 12000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0980824 ]]
After 12500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 13000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 13500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0715363 ]]
After 14000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0643018 ]]
After 14500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0577497 ]]
After 15000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 15500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 16000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0415728 ]]
After 16500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.037164 ]]
After 17000 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0331714 ]]
After 17500 training steps,w1 is: 
 [1.0295546 ]]
After 18000 training steps,w1 is: 
After 18500 training steps,w1 is: 
After 19000 training steps,w1 is: 
[[0.974931 ]
After 19500 training steps,w1 is: 
Final w1 is:
 [1.0159807 ]]

Process finished with exit code 0

本例中神经网络预测模型为 y = w1*x1 + w2*x2,损失函数采用均方误差。通过使 损失函数值(loss)不断降低,神经网络模型得到最终参数 w1=0.98,w2=1.02,销量预测结果为 y = 0.98*x1 + 1.02*x2。由于在生成数据集时,标准答案为 y = x1 + x2,因此,销量预测结果和标准答案已非常接近,说明该神经网络预测酸奶日销量正确。



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